Posted on: 07 December, 2001

Author: Ron Sathoff

A lot has been written about the ... aspects ... ... most of it has focused on the ... -- writing the perfect ad, creating the killer ... or making A lot has been written about the communication aspects ofmarketing. Unfortunately, most of it has focused on the "sending"function -- writing the perfect ad, creating the killer salesletter, or making a great sales pitch. We always seem to focus onwhat we are doing TO a customer, rather than what the customersmight be saying to US.We have to remember that all communication is two-directional. Inorder to truly be great communicators, we have to improve ourskills when we are the receivers. In other words, we have tobecome great listeners as well as great speakers or writers.Fortunately, there are a few simple things we can do to helpimprove this aspect of our communication with our customers:1) Treat all communication as important. From time to time (moreoften than I like) I have to deal with a salesperson who onlyseems to be listening for certain things -- what I'm ordering,how much I'm going to pay, and when my money will arrive. After asalesperson like this gets what they want, they just tune youout. Luckily, these are usually the salespeople who don't lastlong.Truly great salespeople, on the other hand, know that EVERYTHINGthat a customer has to say is important. In a lot of cases,especially with business opportunities, a customer is moreinterested in advice than they are in your product. If you taketime to listen to their concerns and can provide them withinsight (along with your offer), your customer will be much moresatisfied than if you just delivered the "goods."2) Pay attention to differences. Many times, it is easy to forgetthat every person is different. What you know is different thanwhat your customer knows. You can listen much more effectively ifyou realize that the customer might be using different terms thanyou, or might even be seeing things from a completely differentperspective.This is where empathy comes in very handy. As you listen, try toempathize with your customer -- put yourself into their shoes sothat you can have a better understanding of their wants, needs,and fears.3) Pay attention to feedback. To grow and survive, a companyneeds to adapt. In order to adapt, it has to have sufficientinformation to know what is needed and what is obsolete. For mostof us, the best source of this information is our customers. Bylistening to the feedback and concerns of our customers, we canget a better feel for what the market is looking for.Communication is the cornerstone of customer service. To increaseour customers' satisfaction, we must make sure that we listen tothem as carefully as we would craft our advertising. Only bylistening can we meet the needs of our clients and make the kindof reputation that leads to success. Source: Free Articles from